Tag Archives: wedding

3(0) is a magic number

I am now 30 years old. AND DAMN IT FEELS GOOD!

birthday presents

Here are all my presents. Well not all of them! Lovely Laura gave me some Royal Doulton champagne glasses, which are to be featured another time!


Luke bought me this paella pan and accoutrements, we have eaten paella twice since. Who would have thought it was so quick and easy!

A favourite adult book, and two amazing kids books.

“Bernard, Bernard! I’m a prostitute robot from the future!”

le creuset

I was very spoilt again, with this gift of my second Le Creuset! This cast iron pan will get plenty of work in years to come. And it’s orange!


After opening all my presents (thanks Mum and Dad for the knife, and my lovely in-laws for my spoils), and having my first solo bedroom dance as a 30 year old to Azealia Banks (language warning!), the squishy above took me out for breakfast to the North Carlton Canteen. Yummo.

I was lucky enough to share my day with my friend Lisa’s wedding day! So Lukey and I spruced ourselves up to get down to Lisa and Aaron’s wedding in the Carlton Gardens. The sun came out just in time for the ceremony, and all was glorious, as all weddings should be.


I kept myself relatively nice until my job as MC was finished, then I joined the others in some ridiculous dancing, champagne glass smashing (accident!) and general tomfoolery. Fun.

wedding ladies
Hawt bride.

I was also super spoilt with our traditional birthday dinner later on in the week – Luke took me to La Luna!

la luna charcuterie

It was a delicious, (ethical) meat filled, winey and yummy night, starting with an amazing charcuterie plate, then garlic prawns, sausages, filet mignon wrapped in bacon, roasted pork and ice-cream to finish.

la luna meals

Not to mention a wine or two with each course. Dirty 30s indeed!


Needless to say, a most fabulous time was had. Thanks to everyone for the fabulous send off up to the third floor!

luke loves cats
Luke making friends with all the neighbourhood cats on the walk home from dinner ….

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Love and happiness

The ever romantic, sexy, kind, fun and generous Luke Ramsay asked me to marry him last week. Because mama didn’t raise no fool, I said yes.


While standing on the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park, overlooking at the fountain and lake, Luke said some very, very kind things about me and pulled out a ring.


The sneaky bear had bought the ring in Melbourne, and had been saving it to ask me while in Central Park. Swoon. He had even spoken to my sister, and both our parents before we left, not to ask permission, but to ask for their blessings. Gotta love a family man.


He really is the one for me.

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Old glory, nuptials and hangovers

Turns out when holidaying in NYC there is no time for blogging! So here is a super quick run-down of our last days in California, before I update you with THE MOST AMAZING NEWS and some NYC stories …

Day 6

Wednesday saw Luke head out on Sean’s bachelor party for go-karting, roof top drinking and karaoke. All men returned the next day with hangovers and no voices. Bachelor party success.

in and out

I headed down south with Julia and Jess to Encinitas for a quiet night in. Highlights of the drive was a crash between two trucks, one of which had a bobcat on it, and lunch at In-and-Out Burger. Oh my. I think I finally understand why people have burger obsessions.

Day 7

Thursday was FOURTH OF JULY! Happy fourth you guys! Us ladies (well, Jess’ mom and aunties) rustled up some patriotic decorations and food, while the men slowly returned.


The main event began at 5pm, with games of hula-hoop, corn-hole and backyard cricket. Hotdogs and potato salad were followed by lemon meringue pie and chocolate chip cookies. And beer, always beer.

Day 8

Friday was the wedding rehearsal and family dinner, all of which we played a part in as Luke was a groomsman at the wedding, and I was given the honour of reading an Aussie poem during the ceremony. Rehearsal all went to plan, with walking and hand positions perfected.


The wedding venue was a 163 year old ranch. It was gorgeous, the white buildings, the blue blue sky, palm trees and bougainvillea were just perfect.

Day 9

The day we have all been looking forward to, and the reason we are here!

sean and jess

Sean and Jess had the most beautiful wedding, the ceremony was officiated by their friend Sam, the food was divine, and the home-made sangria far too tasty. I ended up in a fountain with some of my new friends! Oops …


So classy.

jess dance

I can’t wait to share the official photos from the wedding once we have them, Luke looked very suave! In the meantime, here is Luke and I are in the background of this beautiful photo of Jess dancing with her Dad.

Day 10


Hungover. Atoned with waffles and bacon and a bloody mary.

Next up, NYC!

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