Tag Archives: kids

A Guide is self-controlled in all she thinks, says and does

The title of this post is one of the Guide Laws. Some are easier to keep than others …

As many of you know, I am a Girl Guide, and have been since I was 7. I come from a Scouting family, my Auntie is a Cub Leader, and my Dad was a Queen’s Scout.

Yes, yes, I was a total cutie, I know. Those cheeks! I still wear that hat too …

I was a Brownie Guide, a Guide, and Ranger Guide and then I defected to the dark side and joined Venturer Scouts. Which I loved, by the way. Because I was 15 and there were boys.

I went to the snazzily named SA4U2 Guide Jamboree in South Australia in 1997. We flew Ansett. Good times.  I believe I am wearing culottes in this picture, unfortunately you can’t see them.

I have been lucky enough to experience a whole bunch of crazy, fun, amazing things thanks to Girl Guides. I traveled to Mexico to attend a conference when I was 19, then just banged around Mexico (alone!) for around a month or so. I have also been to Canberra, all over Tassie and Victoria, and most recently visited Girl Guides in Mongolia!

Looking good in Mexico with my fellow Leaders. I’d like to say that someone made me wear the akubra. But they didn’t.

After my awesome adventurers as a Guide, I became a Guide Leader. You can call me Kookaburra! I love being a Guide Leader to my intense 10-14 year olds. 11 is my favourite age, bless them. They are oh so grown up, yet still happy to colour in, play games and sing songs. Preferably by One Direction. Having girl only time at this age is so important.

And now I’m wearing a fleece. It seems all my fashion values disappear when I’m in Girl Guide mode.

Being involved with Girl Guides is really important to me, I believe that volunteering gives me way more back than I put in. Are you a volunteer? Ever been a Guide or a Scout?

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